How to 360 on Skis

The Best Tripod for MTB Videos and Photos

 If you're like me, you love capturing mountain biking photos and videos. Its so easy when you're biking with a friend and you can just film each other. But what if you're alone? This tripod is so easy to use and film yourself.

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This tripod has three flexible legs that come in handy when trying to set it up on an uneven surface. The legs can be bent around branches or bent to provide different angles. It also comes with two adjustable adapters to hold both your phone or GoPro. 

The tripod itself is super easy to use and is cheaper than a lot of other tripods. It is small enough to throw in your backpack for a day trip or small outing, and is lightweight. 

It also comes with a remote button that tells your phone to take a photo. You can click the small button without being anywhere near your phone and it will take either a video or photo. It works for both iOS and Android. 


I primarily use this to capture videos and photos of my friends or myself mountain biking, but I've also filmed cool time lapses of sunsets on it. Its a very versatile tripod that will suit anyone's needs. 
