How to 360 on Skis

Stub Steward Freeride Area

Begin by parking at the Hilltop Day use area to avoid an extra climb. Then, take the connector trail until you see a gravel road. Across this should be a wooden bridge. After crossing, you can either take the gravel road or Crosstie until you reach Rise and Shine, the climbing trail. At the end of this trail is a wide area where all the downhill trails branch off of. 


This is the only green trail at this junction. Because of the wide trail and optional features, it is great for kids and those getting into mountain biking. At the end is a rest area and the option to ride lower
greenhorn, is a blue jump trail.

Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine is a step up from Greenhorn. It adds more jumps, larger berms, and drops, all of which are easy to bypass. This trail then feeds into lower greenhorn, which is a small blue jump line. This is a fun trail for those who want beginner friendly jumps. 

Drip Torch

My personal favorite trail, Drip Torch is the jump line of the area. This trail packs in large gap jumps, drops, berms, and wall rides. These features are mandatory should not be ridden unless you can do the first feature, which can be seen from the start of the trail. The end of this trail feeds into lower drip torch, which is similar to upper section, only with larger drops.


The more technical brother of Drip Torch, this black trail also has mandatory gaps and drops. The main highlight of the trail comes at the end in the form of a large wooden drop. Upon reaching the end, you can choose to ride lower drip torch. 
